FA Respect Code Of Conduct – A Timely Reminder

The FAs Respect Programme is going into its 10th year. The current campaign focuses on youth football. However, the Respect Programme still applies to all age groups of Grassroots and Elite football.

Disrespect has no place on or off the pitch. All those involved in the game should follow the Respect Code of Conduct. This includes players respecting the referee.

The Respect Programme was never intended as a one-off initiative and the code of conduct still applies.

FA Respect Code Of Conduct For Match Officials

  • Be honest and completely impartial at all times
  • Apply the Laws of the Game and competition rules fairly and consistently
  • Manage the game in a positive, calm and confident manner
  • Deal with all instances of violence, aggression, unsporting behaviour, foul play and other
  • Never tolerate offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour from players and
  • Support my match official colleagues at all times
  • Set a positive personal example by promoting good behaviour and showing respect to
    everyone involved in the game
  • Communicate with the players and encourage fair play
  • Respond in a clear, calm and confident manner to any appropriate request for clarification
    by the team captains
  • Prepare physically and mentally for every match
  • Complete and submit, accurate and concise reports within the time limit required for
    games in which I officiate.

FA Respect Code Of Conduct For Adult Players

  • Adhere to the Laws of The Game
  • Display and promote high standards of behaviour
  • Promote Fair Play
  • Always respect the match official’s decisions
  • Never engage in public criticism of the match officials
  • Never engage in offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour
  • Never engage in bullying, intimidation or harassment
  • Speak to my team-mates, the opposition and my coach/manager with respect.
  • Remember we all make mistakes.
  • Win or lose with dignity. Shake hands with the opposing team and the referee at the end
    of every game.

Download the FA Respect Code Of Conduct for all those involved in Grassroots football which lists the consequences of not following these rules.



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